Teacher and kid

The Advantages of Employer-Sponsored Child Care

Become an employer known for supporting working families.

Sixty-seven percent of parents are looking to employers to offset the cost of child care. Organizations that answer the call with child care benefits for their working families not only invigorate company culture and employee loyalty, they also give their workforce more confidence in a future with you. The research speaks for itself.


Attract and retain talent

69% of parents have or have considered switching jobs because quality child care is too difficult or expensive to secure.
Source: Harris Poll, 2023

Improve productivity

Employees with access to child care report a 10% increase in work-life balance.
Source: KCE Fortune 100 Client Survey

Encourage engagement

4.9 million people missed work because they were caring for children not in daycare.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, 2023

Contact us to find the perfect flexible child care benefits to support working families at your organization. We’ll be in touch within 48 hours.

Help your workforce thrive.

The employee advantages of receiving child care benefits

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Help with child care cost

Child care options provide relief for the 33% of parents experiencing financial hardships due to the cost of care.

Source: NPR, 2016
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Convenience and confidence

Safe, secure child care near work gives peace of mind to the 54% of parents who stay awake at night worrying about the source of their child’s care.

Source: Harris Poll, 2022
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Access to the best child care

By year three, KinderCare kids are 30% more likely to meet or exceed learning benchmarks for their age.

Source: BRIGANCE, 2018

Over two-thirds of parents feel they are expected to do it all without a fundamental support system.

When you support your employees with comprehensive child care solutions, you give them confidence in their professional and personal decisions. More confidence means more engaged and productive working parents.