PreKindergarten Program
(4-5 years old)
It’s their senior year of preschool! We get them ready for the years ahead.

We build warm, welcoming, and supportive classrooms for children of all abilities, backgrounds, and experiences.

Explore the prekindergarten classroom
Take a look at how we set up our classroom for prekindergartners. It’s organized for their age and stage of learning and development.

Writing the ABCs
In pre-K, your child will practice how to write their name—and you’ll start to see it all over their artwork! We’ll also work on our ABCs, using letters and drawings to describe things like people, places, experiences, and feelings.
Friends and feelings
Social skills are a big focus in pre-K as your child gets ready for kindergarten. Your child will work on talking through big feelings and resolving conflicts with words. They’ll also talk about themselves and their families, and learn about each other’s similarities and differences.

Inside a prekindergartner’s day
Your preschooler’s classroom will follow a daily rhythm. No matter what play and learning activities they’re engaged in, preschoolers always come together for group time, to play outside, and to enjoy healthy meals with one another.

Group time
Group time happens every day in each of our our classrooms. For prekindergartners, teachers use this time to talk about the day or read a book before they move on to child-directed math, literacy, or small-group activities!

Meals and snacks
Every day, prekindergartners sit down to a meal with healthy fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. We never serve juice or fried foods!

Outdoor playtime
Most of our classes spend 20–30 minutes outside at least twice a day, weather permitting. In addition to unstructured playtime, prekindergartners will do things like draw maps together, stretch or play games!

Prekindergarten curriculum
In pre-K, your child will deepen their knowledge in language, math, science, Spanish, and social skills. We meet every child where they are, so children of all abilities, including English-language learners, will learn at their own pace, in their own way.
Building brain power and strong bodies
Your prekindergartner’s mind is ready for simple addition, subtraction, and science predictions! That’s why we build the cognitive skills they need for math and science. They’ll also participate in at least two hours of movement each day.
Being a good friend and solving problems together
Prekindergartners practice resolving conflicts with words on their own or with a teacher’s help. We also teach kindness and respect by helping kids talk about themselves and their families, so they learn to appreciate each other’s differences and similarities.
Making up stories and writing their names
Children tell stories with a beginning, middle, and end! We practice writing as a form of expression, whether your child can write words like their full name or is still working on the first letter of their name.
Making art and playing music
Creative expression really comes alive at this age! Kids can express themselves with all the art mediums, follow multi-step directions while moving around, and play instruments while making up songs!

Prekindergarten classroom activities
U.S. States
Kids journal about states they have lived in and visited, and then discuss! We’ll also explore two- and three-dimensional shapes on state flags and the U.S. flag.
Natural Patterns
We’ll head outside and use items like leaves, rocks, pinecones, and twigs to create patterns—starting simple, then moving on to more complex patterns.
Parking Cars
Kids identify numerals written in parking spaces drawn on paper. They park the cars in the right spaces based on the number a teachers says.
How to enroll
We’ve gathered all the resources you need to help you make a confident decision to join the KinderCare family.
- Know what to look for in a child care center and tour ours!
- Learn about our classrooms, curriculum, and tuition.
- Find a KinderCare nearby and contact the center director.